“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
―Nikola Tesla
Shamanism works in the non-physical realms and creates changes in the physical.
Many who start the path of shamanism need to unlearning of what Western culture has taught about what is matter and energy. It’s based on the belief that everything is Spirit and everything is alive.
Everything is alive. The earth, air, water, trees, plants, your body, mountains, you name it; it is Spirit.
How healing happens Shamanic practitioners go into an altered state that allows the free soul of the shamanic practitioner to journey into the invisible worlds. In the invisible realms of non-ordinary helping spirits help the shamanic practitioner heal an individual, get answers to questions or remove energy that was not in harmony with the individual. Healing also extends to the community and the planet.
Entering Portal to Infinity in Dendera, Egypt
Is shamanic healing for you?
Divine Information Do you have pressing questions about your life, health, work, or soul purpose? Or what you should focus on in life? Perhaps you are inquiring about your fears and anxieties?
Power loss Do you suffer from chronic depression, chronic suicidal tendencies, chronic illness, and chronic misfortune? Or simply need your power and protection restored?
Soul loss Have you suffered from an emotional or physical trauma? Do you find yourself repeating the same pattern over and over again?
Earth and the Cosmos Build a relationship to the earth and the cosmos to become a bridge between the Spirit and the Physical world.
This work brings you back into alignment. You can support this process by meditating, breathing, or visualizing the new energy flowing through you. It may be subtle for some, and more dramatic for others. You may experience a process of detoxing, and coming into alignment with yourself that can include:
Feeling tired, under the weather, lighter, or vibrant
Needing more or less sleep
Vivid dreams, synchronicities, and heightened intuition
Awakening to your purpose, and passions
Learning about yourself, such as, emotions or thought patterns that were previously suppressed
Need for alone time or boundaries
Self-acceptance for yourself and your past